Free Beading Pattern — Heart Pendant
Learn how to make this beaded heart pendant. This free tutorial includes photos in addition to written instructions. The materials used to create this heart pendant are: Two-Hole Es-o Mini beads, seed beads, and a pearl.
Note: Are you unfamiliar with the Two-Hole Es-o Mini bead? If yes, then click here to go the Two-Hole Es-o Mini Bead Introduction post.
2 8/0 Czech Seed Bead Gold (A)
1g 11/0 Czech Seed Bead Gold (B)
1 6mm Smooth Round Czech Glass Pearl Turquoise (C)
10 4mm 2-Hole Es-o Mini Beads Bordeaux (D)
Beadalon® WildFire™ beading thread diameter 00.20mm (.008”)–Black
Big Eye Needle
You will need to reinforce the beads by repeating the thread paths. If you reinforce after each step, just make sure you’ll be able to pass through again at the end.
Create the pointed bottom of the heart.
On 2 1/2 feet of piece of beading thread, pick 1A, 2B and 1A. Pass up through the first two beads and down through the second two beads.

Pass the needle back up the first two beads picked up. Pick up 1B. Pass the needle down through the two beads below.

Add center and frame one side.
Pick up 2B, 1C, and 5D. Pass up through C, down through 5D, and up through C.

Frame side two.
Pick up 5D. Pass up C.

Pick up 2B. Pass through the second hole of D.

Fill in the spaces and connect to the bottom.
Pick up 1B and pass through the next D—repeat a total of four times.

Pass up through A (the one that doesn’t have beads below it), down through the next A, and then pass through the next D (through its second hole).

Fill in the spaces.
Pick up 1B and pass through the next D—repeat a total of four times.

Pick up 2B. Pass down through C, 2B, and 1A. Make a return trip to be in position for the next step—pass up through the next A, 2B, 1C, and 2B.

Create cube base for the bail.
The thread path followed to create a tubular herringbone base will be used to create the base of the bail. If you are unfamiliar with the stitch, then click here to see the tutorial with diagrams done by Fusion beads.
Connect the existing 2B units. Pass down 2B and back up through the 2B that the needle was exiting at the start of this step. Pick up 2B. Pass up the prior 2B and down the 2B you just added. Add another 2B. Create a cube by connecting the last 2B added.
Create the loops for the bail. Pick up 12B. Pass through the B that is on the same side of the heart and up through the the next. Add a second loop of 12 B.
Reinforce beads by passing through them. Weave in thread ends and trim.