Free Beading Tutorial
This free tutorial is on how to make the 2-hole Bead Beaded Flower. The 2-hole bead beaded flower is extremely versatile. It can be transformed into a many different types of jewelry. The two examples shown in this post are for the 2-hole bead beaded flower earrings or pendant.
2-Hole Bead Beaded Flower Earrings Materials
2 8mm Preciosa Candy™ 2-hole Cabochon Green Turquoise Opaque (A)
1g 11/0 Czech Seed Bead 24K Gold Plated (B)
28 4mm Es-o Mini 2-hole Beads Bordeaux (C)
6 8/0 Czech Seed Bead 24K Gold Plated (D)
2 Earring Wires
Beading Thread
Big Eye Needle
2-Hole Bead Beaded Flower Pendant Materials
1 8mm Preciosa Candy™ 2-hole Cabochon Jet (A)
2g 11/0 Czech Seed Bead Bright Sterling Silver Plated (B)
14 4mm Es-o Mini 2-hole White Airy Pearl (C)
Beading Thread
Big Eye Needle
How to Make the 2-hole Bead Beaded Flower
Frame the 2-hole Candy Bead
On 2 1/2 feet of beading thread, pick up 1A. Form the first side loop by passing through the same hole again. Pass down through the next hole to create the top edge loop. Form the second side loop by passing down through the same hole again. Pass up through the next hole to create the bottom edge loop.
Start working in the circular brick stitch. Pick up 2B. Pass the needle under the thread loop (heading towards you) and up through second bead picked up. Pull the thread so the beads rest snugly on the center bead. (You may need to use your fingers to nudge the beads into place.)
Finish the round, picking up one bead at a time. Pick up 1B, pass under the loop, and then pass back up through the bead. Repeat all the way until you have 14B framing A. (The top and bottom loops should each have 3B and the sides should have 4B.) After you complete the fourteenth stitch, pass down through the first bead, out towards the back, under the thread loop in front of the first bead, and up through the first bead.
Make Seven Petals
Helpful Points

Shared Seed Bead Diagram
- Each petal is comprised of a pair of 2-hole Es-o Mini beads.
- Seed beads frame the outside edges of the pairs.
- Shared Seed Bead Diagram to the right, the beads outlined in red are shared with the closest petal.
- When the instructions say pass through the shared seed beads it is referring to the ones outlined in red in the diagram.
Starter Petal
1-Pick up 1C and 3B. Pass through the second hole of C. Pick up 1C and 3B. Pass through the second hole of C, down through B below and back up through the B that your needle was exiting at the start of this step.
2-Pick up 1B and pass through the next 3B.
3-Create the right angle weave petal point. Pick up 5B. (The last 4B you picked up will be used for the right angle weave stitch.) Pass through all 4B and then the first three of four again.
4-Pick up 1B. Pass down through the next 3B.
5-Pick up 1B. Pass down through the B below. Step up by passing up through the next B.
Petals 2 through 6
6-Pick up 1C. Pass through the shared beads.
7-Pick up 1B. Pass through the second hole of C.
8-Pick up 1C and 3B. Pass through the second hole of C, down through the B below and back up through the B that your needle was exiting at the start of this step.
9-Repeat steps two through five from the starter petal.
Petal 7
10-The seventh petal shares beads with the sixth petal and the starter petal. Pick up 1C. Pass through the shared beads.Pick up 1B. Pass through the second hole of C.
11-Pick up 1C and 1B. Pass through the shared beads. Pass through the second hole of C, down through the B below and back up through the B that your needle was exiting at the start of this step.
12-Repeat steps two through five from the starter petal. To be in the position to attach the earring wire, step up by weaving through the beads so that your needle is exiting the center B of a petal point.
Attach Earring Wire
13-Pick up 3D. Pass through the earring wire, down through 3D, and complete the circuit by passing through B again. Repeat thread path until secure. Weave thread ends in and trim.
Beaded Bail for Pendant
You will use the herringbone stitch and the 11/0 seed beads to create the bail. The starting point of the bail is the bottom B bead of the right angle weave stitch that makes up the point of a petal. The ending point (where you connect) is a B bead between two petals.
Start the Bail. Weave thread to the starting point. Pick up 2B. Pass through the starting point B and the first B picked up.
Start working in the Herringbone stitch. Pick up 2B. Pass down through the B below and up through the next B and the first B pick up in this step. Continue working until you have a total of 16 herringbone stitches (this includes the very first 2B picked up for the bail.
Connect the bail to the end point. Pass the needle through ending point. Pass through the last stitch following the thread path of the standard herringbone stitch. Repeat thread path until secure. Weave in thread ends and trim.